Friday, 31 January 2014

Work Ethic

I hate not working. 

I have worked my whole life except while in hospital or recovering from accidents or operations. No, I don't have a degree. I don't have education beyond grade 10. I do have tickets for various mine construction work. But that's right - I cant wear steel cap boots anymore. My injuries have seen to that. Do you know it costs roughly $1500 per year to keep up those tickets?

I was quite an entrepreneur throughout my life. When mobile phones first came out I would teach the elderly how to use them. I volunteered through the library. A few elderly people would invite me to their home for a cup of tea and scones and throw me a few dollars. It felt good to help.

Everyone that is capable of it should work. It will give them drive and motivation. They should review DSP people too.

Being a homelessness, 52 year old, single, white woman in Australia sucks. There are no answers. I give up. Now what? I don't want to cause problems. I am just surviving. 

Well, the belt buckle just went up another notch. You don't see too many fat homeless people. Looks like I better get used to my future.

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