Today's sunrise is brought to you by my very, very old, no internet, mobile telephone. The very old phone (just one very) I have been using to access twitter and write posts for this blog is not playing very nicely. I think constantly being charged for short periods of time as I move about is not helping the life on the battery. So, a blurry Queensland sunrise for you - have a happy day!
Update: I little bit of a prayer and the new phone has come back to life - for now. See you in Twitter!
Looking for the answers from the great beyond. Telling the story of homelessness and my life. The aim of my blog is to raise awareness. I do not make money from this. I write so that others can understand a bit more about what it is like for me to live in my car. Thank you for reading. All photos and stories on Kath's Blog are taken or written by Kath unless otherwise noted. They are copyright and may not be used, reproduced or copied without written permission from Kath.
Keep safe on your journeys we are praying for you in uk