Friday, 14 March 2014


The last few days have been quite draining for me trying to explain my situation to people that just don't understand or think they do but don't! I have been attacked by people that don't care and think homelessness is a joke and is not real. They think it is my choice to be homeless or I choose to live this way. They have no idea of the reality of homelessness. They have never experienced it and probably never will. They have led a sheltered life away from the real harsh world. They do not understand how it can happen to people and blame me for being that way. They do not know any facts and really don't care to find out the truth as they really don't want to be involved with it. They question my answers to their questions and ridicule me on my comments. I try my best to be polite and help them understand what homelessness involves but they don't care to listen. About the closest they will ever get to homelessness if the cross the street if they see a homeless person or do a sleep out which I call a camping adventure to act as if they care of to promote themselves that they are involved in a cause. It is a shame that they do not even want to understand such a major problem in Australia but why should they after all we choose to live this way. How can anyone end up homeless? It must have been my fault. I try to explain to them to read my blog and comments on twitter and maybe help them to understand my situation but they do not even do that. They are to ready to ridicule and simply don't care enough to find out the fact. If they did it would problem raise emotions they have never and probably never will and make a fool of them for being so abrupt and uncaring. So I say to all of them good luck. You are the people that just don't know that you just don't know and karma lives. God help you if yourself or one of your friends ever find themselves that way but they would turn there back on them anyway. They are selfish self centred human beings and I am glad not to be associated with any of them on my twitter. If they ever found themselves in that position they would fall down. They would crawl in a ball. They would not survive. They would end up alcoholics if they are not already taking anti depressants if they are not already and simply crumble. I myself would step over them as they would do to me. I am caring and understanding and try my best but truly they deserve it so why help them.

I have spoken to so many people that have opened up to me in the last few weeks it is fantastic. Many have or know people that have been homeless. I hear so many different versions it is amazing how common it is. People that have lost their jobs, family members, housing due to bills, deaths, or as a youth or in their younger years. But all I have spoken to have recovered from it. I am having trouble doing that at the moment because of having car problems, money stolen from me, health and car insurance costs and general living car expense. It is very hard to do on newstart. People do not want people that don't work or a struggling in their share accommodation and if so it is quite unaffordable if you are not employed. Many will say well others are doing it. Yes many are they are sharing houses together or living with a pensioner or family. I myself do not want to share a house full of people on the dole just as people do not want to share with me so this is another reason I am homeless.

Many of my followers think that is easy and they can help me with my homelessness. Many have tried to help me by contacting charity organisations or government organisations including local MP members without my knowledge. After they do they contact me and their reaction is shock horror now they understand why I am homeless. I say to all don't bother. No one can help as their is no housing. A shortage of housing is the problem simple. A MP or a charity just cant pull out a room or unit or house out of the air. I wish all would understand this. I have so many that try to tell me what to do with good intentions but they just don't understand that I already have. I spent the first 6 months in Brisbane searching for answers. I learnt a lot about how the government deal with homelessness and how the charities and organisations spend there funding. It became a bit of a game for me. Gave me something to do researching all of this. No going on the housing list will not work. Yes I am injured but not disabled. No I am not a priority and will not get prioritised because I am sleeping in my car. In fact most don't recognise me as homeless because I have a car and I am not sleeping under a bridge or a park

So I am getting some facts and figures together for you all that would like to know the truth or homelessness and not the fantasy of it which I will post when I have them.

So for all those that don't know that they just don't know I hope this helps explain a little bit. I will update it  I am sure but at the moment just wanted a few to read to help them understand.

And like I have said please play homeless for a week. Ring up the homeless lines the charities the govt organisations and see for yourself what is happening the real world than let me know because I would love to be the one that just not know that I just don't know


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